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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A website that addresses some of my concerns:

I had been wondering if more libertarians were interested in the environment, and I was curious to find out how they reconciled their environmental concerns with their political philosophy. This was purely selfish on my part since those latent concerns are coming to the fore and since I'm starting to struggle with those concerns. Since many who self-identify as such are actually left-libertarians, a completely different and unrelated group that is anathema to pretty much all that libertarians stand for, that task was slightly more difficult. However, I've found an interesting blog by a Canadian journalist by David Reevely, The EcoLibertarian, and I find his work compelling. Might want to check it out. And while you're at it, visit something that Toronto's trying to do, Zerofootprint Toronto. While it's an interesting concept, I don't see it as being anything more than a small niche thing.


1138 said...

I'm of the belief that Libertarianism is dead.
It died on 9/11/01 after a long suffering illness.

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

I think the Libertarian Party is dead after a slowly progressing but terminal illness, but the philosophy is even more valid today than it was 20 years ago. Political parties die. Organizations die. Only ideas live on, and I can see a future where the libertarians will once again have their own party, even if it takes another form.

Snave said...

“They call it pollution. We call it life.” Ugh...

Thanks for the link to Reevely's site. There is indeed a lot of compelling information and thought to be noted there. I will bookmark it for sure. I like the stuff about the Japanese guys competing to see who can get the highest mpg from their Prius... amusing, and interesting.

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

I wish I possessed even a small fraction of his eloquence. Truly great journalism, and if he does this on his spare time... It almost makes me want to know if his paper delivers to the U.S.