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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Musings on discontent and unreasonableness:

I was having a chat with a coworker about the current political system being geared more towards affability than ability and the failings of the two-party system, and he, being but a few years older, said something like, "That's just the way things are, and they're not likely to change. You'll just have to live with it." Since he's typically an intelligent guy, and I can even see where he's coming from, that actually gave me a moment's pause. Then I looked at the whole of human history, seen how any positive things have come from people not being happy with the status quo, and instead of just figuring that it wasn't worth the energy, decided to change things themselves instead of being reasonable. You take a look at all things, great and small, invented by humanity, and it's all been done because someone or several someones didn't like how a task was accomplished and decided to do it better. Look at the better parts of the evolution of our governmental system, and they were all created by people who didn't like the way things were going and decided to change it. So if this is what discontent and unreasonableness accomplish, well, I'm proud to be grumpy.


Sheryl said...

For some reason your PETA ad has gotten really big, and it is overlapping part of your post. At least it is in this browser I'm using at the moment.

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

I've noticed that in Opera. I'll try resizing.

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

Should be better now. Also, I've resized the RIAA boycott ad to look better.

1138 said...

The unreasonable individual(s) are responsible for all of mankind's progress. The reasonable person shivers and freezes to death in a cave.

Sheryl said...

Now it;s the one million bulbs ad. But It's just affecting the next entry since you added a new one. I can go back and read this one now. :-)