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Thursday, January 17, 2008

"This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope." Or, a shout out to Mitt Romney:

I post this in objection to Romney's cynical assertion that Michigan's old automotive jobs can come back, that it will go back to being like the days of milk and honey, and that everything will be great again. I also call "Bullshit!" on his assertion that he can "save the South". McCain was right: The old Michigan of the Big Three is gone for good, at least in that form, and the real future lies in high-tech jobs. However, and predictably, Romney has combine the twin terrors of a populist message with gross distortions of his opponents' stances and created something I find truly revolting. I believe he may have been a good leader of his congregation. His record as governor of Massachusetts speaks of his ability to lead a state government. However, I find him personally repugnant and a discredit to the many good people I know and have known of the Mormon faith. So, Mitt Romney, I say with as much sarcasm as I can muster, "This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope." Or, put less politely, "Bugger off, you filthy wanker!"

UPDATE: I changed the song from the original "Just" by Radiohead to something that would be a more fitting, though facetious, statement. Doesn't hurt that it's a kick-ass song. Enjoy


Snave said...

It is getting to the point where the only Republican candidate I can tolerate the sight or sound of is McCain. If I had to tolerate the SMELL of any of them, I doubt I could, heaven forbid having to touch or taste them. Aieeee...

The Mormon community in my town tends to be very polite, and they tend not to be manipulative. They look after the poor within their group, and they are very generous with their money. They generally try to follow the example of Christ to the best of their abilities.

I don't see Romney being a particularly compassionate man. He comes off as being slick and manipulative, and to me his whole persona seems contrived. I think he is very unlike most Mormons I know.

I loathe the guy. What can I say?

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

I agree. I do not know him, or his kind, nor have I met such in the congregations I've attended. David Letterman was right: Mitt Romney IS an ass.

Candace said...

Sometimes the strangest details come out that will tell you things about a candidate's character that are quite revealing. Romney's treatment of his pet dog, who had to ride in a crate on top of the freaking car during a family vacation, told me a lot about the man's complete lack of common sense and empathy. Then there was the infamous Edwards' $400 haircut...