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Friday, April 13, 2007

It fucking well figures...

You are Death

Change, Transformation, Alteration.

People fear this card, but if you want to change your life, this is one of the
best indicators for it. Whatever happens, life will be different. Yes, the Death card can signal a death in the right circumstances (a question about a very sick or old relative, for example), but unlike its dramatic presentation in the movies, the Death card is far more likely to signal transformation, passage, change. Scorpio, the sign of this card, has three forms: scorpion, serpent, eagle. The Death card indicates this transition from lower to higher to highest. This is a card of humility, and it may mean you have been brought low, but only so that you can then go higher than ever before. Death "humbles" all, but it also "exults." Always keep in mind that on this card of darkness there is featured a sunrise as well. You could be ready for a change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


1138 said...


Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

It was an oddly accurate assessment. I won't get into it, but life has brought me very low recently, as low as I've ever been. I have been humbled, and I hope the rest of it is accurate as well. That, however, is for me to decide. All that said, I still have a smart mouth and a penchant for bombast, tools I have long used to express ire and hide pain. The kinder, gentler side is more prevalent on my other blog. Perhaps I am the butterfly, not yet emerged from its cocoon, or perhaps this was just a psych test that chose another way to express the result, or maybe both are true. We'll see.

Sheryl said...

It's not the card I would have given you. I'd love to know how you answered their questions.

Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

Well, Sheryl, I answered honestly and from the heart. Normally, I'm a bit more ballsy and aggressive, but I'm just tired of faking strength, of faking confidence, of faking happiness. This was the result, and it was far more accurate than not.

1138 said...

You are The Emperor

Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person.

The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents fathers, father-figures and employers. There is a lot of aggression and violence too.

The Emperor naturally follows the Empress. Like an infant, he is filled with enthuiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.