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Friday, April 06, 2007

The birth of a new blog:

I guess the title says it all. I have created a new blog on Blogger, called TechnoAgrarian Musings, and it will have all of my thoughts on environmental topics, including but not limited to alternative fuels and thoughts on organic farming. Since I don't actually have any land to work with, I'll focus more on the technology of it, and whenever I have anything to say on anything, if I found it elsewhere, I'll cite the source(s). I won't be abandoning this blog. As you know, I have plenty more to say on a variety of topics, and for that, I'll use this blog. I'll still be farting fire, and hopefully, some people will feel the heat. :) Also, this does not indicate a significant shift in my politics. Rather, it reflects a maturation of a different facet of my philosophy and thought processes. Also, it reflects the fact that I now have too much to say on this one topic to keep it mashed in with my random musings on this blog. . I welcome all to join, and to bring others who are interested.


Snave said...

I will check out your new blog because I know you will do good research about what you write, and that I will learn new things about alternative fuel sources. Good work, and I'm looking forward to it!

1138 said...

I'll have to check it out.